There’s no better place to discover new writers than the Quais du Polar festival. Once again this year, we’re happy to introduce you to our Pépites, gathering some authors who are worth keeping an eye on!
Since 2005, the festival has become a platform for new writers and has played a role in encouraging the promotion of French thrillers and the genre of noir polar abroad through professional encounters and international programs. In keeping with its mission and desire to reveal new and talented authors, Quais du Polar finally presents the Pépites des Quais 2025!
- Julien Freu (France) — Hors la brume, Actes Sud
- Sidonie Bonnec (France) — La Fille au pair, Albin Michel
- Michaëla Watteaux (France) — Schell Shock, Black Lab / Hachette
- Liz Moore (USA) — Le Dieu des bois, Buchet Chastel
- Julia Armfield (England) — Cérémonie d’orage, La Croisée
- Marto Pariente (Spain) — Balanegra, Gallimard
- Vera Buck (Germany) — Les Enfants loups, Gallmeister
- A. K. Blakemore (England) — Le glouton, Globe
- Kim Fu (Canada) — Les Filles du camp Forevermore, Héliotrope / Livre de poche
- Johanna Krawczyk (France) — La Danse des oubliés, Héloïse d’Ormesson
- Lison Lambert (France) — Versant noir, Hugo / Impact
- John Langan (USA) — The Fisherman, J’ai Lu
- Sophie Demange (France) — Les Bouchères, L’Iconoclaste
- Simon François (France) — La proie et la meute, Le Masque
- Anne-Sophie Kalbfleisch (Belgium) — Eureka dans la nuit, Le Rouergue
- Audrey Brière (France) — Mauvais cœur, Le Seuil
- Satu Rämö (Finland) — Hildur, Le Seuil
- David Hury (France) — Beyrouth forever, Liana Lévi
- Kate Foster (Scotland) — Le Baiser de la Demoiselle, Phébus
- Chris Whitaker (England) — Toutes les nuances de la nuit, Sonatine
- David McCloskey (USA) — Moscou X, Verso